Fabrica Argentina de Aviones

The Fábrica Argentina de Aviones or FAdeA SA officially Fábrica Argentina de Aviones "Brigadier San Martín" S.A., is Argentina's main aircraft manufacturer. Founded on 10 October 1927 and located in Córdoba, for most of its existence it was known as Fábrica Militar de Aviones (hence the acronym FMA), until its privatisation in the 1990s. On 2010 the concession ended and is now wholly owned by the Argentine government.



Formed on October 10, 1927 and on July 18, 1928 ends the construction and testing begins on the track the first domestically produced aircraft: the license built Avro 504 Gosport training aircraft equipped with a 100 hp (75 kW) Gnome engine. It had a speed of 140 km/h with a flying endurance of 2hours.

The factory is known for producing the first fighter aircraft in Latin America: the Pulqui I (1947) and the Pulqui II (1950) under the direction of engineers Emile Dewoitine (French) and Kurt Tank (German) respectively.

FMA was closed in 1995 and was privatized by the government of Carlos Menem and from 1995 until March 2009 it belonged concession to LMAASA (Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina SA, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation). Under the terms of the privatization agreement LMAASA would operate it for 25 years and could be renewed for two 10 year periods.

During the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner the factory was nationalised in August 2009 after paying ARS $67 million. The text of the expropriation law provides that "the State shall not return to get rid of a majority stake in the power or decision-making factory." [1][2]

Its was renamed after Argentine Air Force Brigadier es:Juan Ignacio San Martín a military engineer who laid the foundations of the aeronautics industry at Córdoba when he directed the Instituto Aerotécnico, the forerunner of the FMA, in the 1940s.

The United States Department of State announced that effective December 18, 2009, Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina would be renamed to Fábrica Argentina de Aviones "Brigadier San Martin" S.A. and divested to the Government of Argentina.[3]

Aircraft Production

The FMA has produced numerous innovative aircraft prototypes, but the state of the Argentine economy has usually prevented most of them from entering large-scale production. Nevertheless the FMA has managed to put several aircraft types of more conventional designs into full productions. It also engaged in production of licensed aircraft from other countries.

The prefixes used for the aircraft locally developed (and produced) are:

Aircraft and projects

Year Model Built Obs
Started as Instituto Aerotécnico
1928 Avro 504K "Gosport" 31 Biplane basic trainer, license-built. First aircraft produced by FMA.
1930 Dewoitine D.21 35 Biplane fighter, license-built.
1931 Ae.C.1 1 Civil tourism aircraft prototype (initial version); basic trainer (later version). First national design.
1932 Ae C2 / Ae.M.E.1 2 Civil tourism aircraft (C2); basic military trainer (M.E.1)
1933 Ae.T.1 3 Transport/commercial aircraft
1934 Ae.M.O.1 41 Observation monoplane
1934 Ae.M.Oe.1 / Ae.M.Oe.2 6+14 Variant of the Ae.M.O.1, observation and training
1934 Ae.C.3 16 Civil aircraft.
1935 Ae.M.B.1 / Ae.M.B.2 Bombi 1+14 First bomber aircraft built by FMA
1935 Ae. M.S.1 1 Sanitary aircraft
1936 Ae.C.3G 1 Tourism aircraft.
1936 Ae.C. 4 1 Improved prototype version of the C.3G
Name changed to Fabrica Militar de Aviones
1940 Curtiss "Hawk" 75O 20 License built version of the US monoplane fighter Curtiss Hawk 75
1940 Focke-Wulf Fw-44J "Stieglitz" 190 License built version of the German biplane trainer Focke-Wulf Fw 44
1940 FMA 20 El Boyero (I.Ae. 20) 130 Tourism aircraft, series built by "Industrias Petrolini"
1943 F.M.A. 21 1 Advanced trainer aircraft prototype, based on the North American NA-16-1P fuselage.
1943 I.Ae. 22 "DL" 206 Advanced trainer aircraft
1945 I.Ae. 23 1 Basic trainer prototype, based on the Focke-Wulf Fw44J
1945 I.Ae. 25 Mañque 1 Assault/Transport glider.
1946 I.Ae. 24 Calquín 100 Attack/Light bomber
1947 I.Ae. 27 Pulqui I 1 Jet fighter prototype, first of its kind built in Latin America.
1947 I.Ae. 31 Colibrí 3 Two-seat Trainer aircraft
1948 I.Ae. 30 Ñancú 1 Fighter/Attack prototype
1949 I.Ae. 32 Chingolo 1 Tourism/Trainer aircraft
1949 I.Ae. 34 Clen Antú 3+1+3 Glider, flying wing. Designed by Reimar Horten, also known as the Horten XVa and XVb
1950 I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II 5 First swept-wing jet fighter designed in Latin America
1953 I.Ae. 35 Huanquero 2+3+20+9(+1+1) Transport aircraft; variants "Constancia" and "Pandora" executive aircraft.
1953 I.Ae. 41 Urubú 4 Flying-wing glider, designed by Reimar Horten, also known as the Horten XVc.
1953 I.Ae. 43 Pulqui III 0 Project, swept-wing supersonic jet fighter
I.Ae. 36 "Cóndor" 0 Project unbuilt, civil transport
1954 I.Ae. 37 1 Supersonic delta-wing interceptor, designed by Reimar Horten. Glider, unpowered prototype only.
1960 I.Ae. 38 Naranjero 1 Flying-wing transport/cargo, designed by Reimar Horten.
1953 I.Ae. 44 "DL" II 0 Advanced trainer (project, unbuilt)
1959 I.Ae. 45 Querandí 2 Executive transport, prototypes only (NOTE: some sources mention "1957" and "1" built)
1957 I.Ae. 46 Ranquel 101+116 2-seat utility aircraft. Second series, enhanced variant "Super Ranquel".
1960 IA 35 Guaraní I 1 Approximate date, transport derived from the I.Ae. 35 "Huanquero"
1963 FMA IA 50 Guaraní II 1+2+18+14 Transport aircraft, derived from the IA 35 Guaraní I
Beechcraft T-34 Mentor 75 Trainer, licence built
1960 Morane-Saulnier MS-760 Paris 48 Trainer, licence built
1975 FMA IA 58 Pucará 120 Counter-insurgency/light attack aircraft
1978 FMA IA 62 0 military trainer aircraft. unbuilt
1983 FMA IA 66 Pucará II 1 After the 'Malvinas/Falkland' war a revised version of Pucara was designed. It used a IA-58 as base with more powerful engines, single seat design, and better IR protection. The program was cancelled after the prototype was homologated.
1984 FMA IA 63 Pampa 20+12 Advanced trainer. AT-63 currently under production
1990 (IA 70)
Embraer/FMA CBA 123 Vector
2 Turboprop 19-passenger regional airliner, only protptypes built before being cancelled [4]
IA 67 Córdoba Light attack bomber project, unbuilt (mid-1980s)
FMA SAIA 90 Supersonic air superiority jet fighter project, unbuilt (mid-1980s)
Name changed to Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina SA
1999 A-4AR Fightinghawk 18 other 18 by Lockheed Martin in Pasadena, California.
2003 T-34 Mentor Refurbished of Argentine and Bolivia Air Forces
2006 C-130 Hercules Refurbished of Argentine and Colombian Air Forces
Name changed to FADEA SA
2009 FMA IA 63 Pampa Changing power plant
2010 FMA IA 58 Pucará Changing power plant and avionics
2013 IA 73 basic trainer to replace T-34 [5]


Further reading

External links